Airriess, M., Johnson, C., McNamara, E., Soli, M., Weber, S. (2015, May). Preliminary Findings from the Saint Paul Child- Parent Center Expansion. Presentation conducted for Early Childhood Capstone at Humphrey School of Public Affairs , University of Minnesota.
Blackwell, J., Sanchez, I. (2015, November). Getting to Know the Federal Government and Funding Opportunities. Presentation conducted at OMH Resource Center.
Bowman, B. (2014, August). CPC Element 2: Aligned Curriculum. Presented at Midwest CPC Prek-3rd Expansion, University of Minnesota.
Brown, R. (2012, November). Parker Child-Parent Center. SRI International. Presentation Conducted at Steering Committee Meeting, Chicago IL.
Candee, A. (2015, September). CPC Professional Development Overview. Presentation Conducted at Child- Parent Center CPC P3.
Candee, A. (2017, February). What is the CLAC? Presentation conducted at CPCP3 Organization.
Child-Parent Centers. (2013, January). Year 1 Pre-k Implementation 2012-2013. Presentation conducted at Head Teachers Meeting.
Department of Education. (2012, August). Midwest Child-Parent Center Program Expansion 2012-2016 Overview. Presentation conducted at the Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Early Childhood Research Team. (20017, March). Fostering Multidisciplinary Research on Early Childhood Development. Presentation conducted at Early Childhood Research Collaborative.
Eilers, A. (2019, April). Is the Use of Technology to Personalize Education an Oxymoron? Presentation conducted at HHH Talk.
Englund, M. (2010, November). Assessing the Validity of Minnesota School Readiness Indicators. Presentation conducted by Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Englund, M. (2010, December). Disparities in School Readiness in Minnesota. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Graham, G. (2017) Child-Parent Center (CPC) P-3 Expansion Program Institute. Presentation Conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative.
Hamersma, S., Kim, M. (2018 December). Does Early Food Insecurity Impede the Educational Access Needed to Become Food Secure? Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Hayakawa, M., Lease, E., Candee, A., Graham, G. (2012, October). The Midwest Child-Parent Center Expansion Project: Moving from 1st Grade to 2nd Grade. Presentation conducted at CPC Transitions Meeting, Rochester MN.
Hayakawa, B., Graham, G. (2013, October). The Child-Parent Center Menu-Based Approach to Parent Involvement. Midwest CPC. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Hayakawa, M., Lease, E., Candee, A., Graham, G. (2015, July). The Child-Parent Center PK3 Program. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, Rochester MN.
Hayakawa, M., Lease, E., Candee, A., Graham, G. (2015, September). Child-Parent Center P-3 Program Expansion. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, Rochester MN.
Hayakawa, M. (2017, January). A Menu-Based Approach to Parent Involvement: Processes, Strategies, and Impacts. Presentation conducted at Human research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Hayakawa, M., (2017, January). Parent Involvement: What, Why, and How. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Hayakawa, M. (2017, November). Child-Parent Center Prek-3rd Expansion Manual. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Hayakawa, M., Graham, G. (2018, June). The Child-Parent Center Menu-Based Approach to Parent Involvement. Presentation Conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
HCRC Team (2013, August). Welcome to Year 2 of the CPC Expansion Project. Presentation conducted at the Midwest CPC Prek-3rd Expansion, University of Minnesota.
HCRC Team (2013, August) CPC Element 1: Effective Learning Experiences. Presentation Conducted at Midwest CPC Prek-3rd Expansion, University of Minnesota.
Hunt, E., Hood, L., Kalmes, L. (2012, November). Approaches to Sustainability. Center for the Study of Education Policy. Presentation conducted at Midwest CPC Expansion Steering Committee Meeting.
Hunt, E. (2014, September). CPC Institute Unit #5 School District. Center for the Study of Education Policy. Presentation conducted at Illinois State University, IL.
Kumlin, J., Goodhue, A., Stennes, K. (2006, October). MVNA Family Health Program. Presentation conducted at the University of Minnesota.
Lambert, G. (2013, April). Welcome to the CPC Community Forum. Working together for Quality Public Education. Presentation conducted at Midwest Child-Parent Center Expansion.
Lambert, G. (2014, January). Welcome to the CPV Vision Committee Meeting. Midwest CPC. Presentation Conducted at the Midwest Child-Parent Center Expansion.
Malaguzzi, L. (2014, August). How Classroom Environments Provide the Framework to Support a Community of Learners. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative.
Maxwell, C., Sullivan, M. (2013, April). Child-Parent Center Expansion, Preschool to 3rd Grade Program. Presentation conducted at LINC Symposium Presentation.
McKnight Foundation. (2012, November). Federal Early Education Grantees. Urban Education Institute. Presentation conducted at Education and Learning Initiative, University of Chicago.
Midwest CPC. (2012, August). Midwest CPC Expansion Steering Committee Meeting Conference Call. Presentation conducted at Human Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Randall, J. (2018, May). Early Childhood Programs. Presentation Conducted at Office of the Legislative Auditor.
Reynold, A., Englund, M., Ou, S., Schweinhart, L., Campbell, F. (2007, December). Mechanisms of Influence from Preschool to Educational Attainment: A Three-Study Analysis. Presentation conducted at ECRC Conference.
Reynold, A., Englund, M. (2008, June). Causal Mechanisms of Change in the Child-Parent Centers, Abecedarian Project, & Perry Preschool. Presentation conducted at ECRC Conference.
Reynolds, A. (2012, February). Midwest CPC Expansion. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Reynolds, A., Warner-Richter, M., Sullivan, M., Hayakawa, M., Lease, E. (2013, March). Child-Parent Center, Preschool to 3rd Grade Program. Midwestern Expansion. Presentation conducted at HCRC Brown Bag Presentation.
Reynolds, A., Hunt, E.(2013, July). Early Results of CPC Model Through Midwest Expansion of CPC i3 Validation Study. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Reynolds, A., Hunt, E. (2013, July). The Child Parent Center Model: An Effective and Scalable Model for Aligning PK-3 Systems. Presentation conducted for the Illinois Governor’s p-20 Council, Illinois.
Reynolds, A., Warner-Richter, M., Lease, E., Sullivan, M., Hayakawa, M. (2013, November). Sustainability of the Midwest CPC Expansion. Presentation conducted at the Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Reynolds, A. (2014, February). CPC Expansion Project: Implementation & Sustainability. Chicago Public Schools. Presentation Conducted at Midwest CPC Prek-3rd Expansion Leadership Meeting.
Reynolds, A. (2014, August). Leadership Institute Year 3 Expansion, 2014-2015. Chicago: Ready to Learn, Birth through Second Grade. Presentation Conducted at Peck Elementary School, Chicago IL.
Reynolds, A. (2014, August). Teacher Institute Year 3 Expansion, 2014-2015. Chicago: Ready to Learn, Birth through Second Grade. Presentation Conducted at Erikson Institute, Chicago IL.
Reynolds, A. (2014, August). Building Relationships: How Responsive Relationships with Children, Families and Each Other Impact Learning Outcomes. Presentation conducted at CPC Summer Teachers’ Institute.
Reynolds, A. (2015, July). The Midwest Child-Parent Center Expansion Project: Moving from 1st Grade to 2nd Grade. Presentation conducted at the CPC Transition Meeting, Human Capital Research Collaborative.
Reynolds, A. (2015, September). Midwest Child-Parent Center Program Leadership Institute Year 4 Expansion. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative.
Reynolds, A. J. (2016, April). Preventing Gaps in School Readiness and Early Achievement: The Child-Parent Center Preschool to 3rd grade Program. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Reynolds, A., J. (2016, September). CPC Preschool to 3rd Grade: An Evidence-Based School Reform Model. Illinois CPC P-3 Webinar. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Reynolds, A., J., Warner-Richter, M. (2017, August). Scaling and Sustaining Effective Early Childhood Programs: Strategies & Initial Findings in the Midwest Child-Parent Centers. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Reynolds, A. (2017, November). Asset Mapping. Presentation conducted at the Midwestern Expansion of Child Parent Center Initiative.
Reynolds, A., Vaisarova, J., Richardson, B., Lee, S. (2018, January). A Comparison of the Gates Foundation, CPC, and NIEER Elements of Effective Early Learning: Implications for Minnesota. Presentation conducted at Human Capital Research Brown Bag, Institute of Child Development.
Reynolds, A. (2020, February). What is the Human research Collaborative? Presentation conducted for College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota.
Sherwood, N. (2018, February). Linking families, Communities and Primary Care to Prevent Obesity in Preschool-age Children. Presentation conducted NET-Works, University of Minnesota.
Spiker, D. (2012, November). Evaluation of Midwest Expansion of the Child-Parent Center Education Program, Preschool to Third Grade. SRI International. Presentation Conducted at Steering Committee Meeting, Chicago IL.
Sullivan, M., Maxwell, C. (2013, April). Child-Parent Center Expansion, Preschool to 3rd Grade Program. Presentation conducted at LINC Symposium Presentation, Orlando Fl.
Warner-Richter, M. (2012, December). Child-Parent Center Model: A Proven Prek-3rd grade Program.
Warner-Richter, M. (2013, October). Overcoming Barriers to Attendance in Child-Parent Centers 2012-2013. Presentation conducted at the Human Capital Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota.
Warner-Richter, M. (2014, April). PreK-3rd Grade Work Group. Presentation conducted at The Legislative Updates.
Warner-Richter, M. (2014, April). College and Career Readiness Begins at Birth: Connecting the Dots for Student Success. Effective Practice for PreK-3rd Program. Presentation Conducted at Midwest CPC Expansion, University of Minnesota.