The Child-Parent Center preschool to 3rd grade (CPC P-3) model is a center-based early childhood model that provides comprehensive educational and family support services, primarily in low-income neighborhoods. Established by the Chicago Public School District in 1967, the CPC has demonstrated for over four decades that it is one of the nation’s most effective educational reform strategies.

Because of their demonstrated impact on well-being, early childhood interventions are at the forefront of prevention for improving educational success and health. The goal of the CPC program is to improve early childhood education through family engagement and high quality instruction, making transition to the next grade easier.

CPC P-3 provides students a supportive learning environment that is consistent, stable, and predictable, while it also increases collaboration between school staff, the community, and parents. In the CPC P-3 program, sites implement six core elements:

  • ​Collaborative Leadership Team
  • Effective Learning Experiences
  • Aligned Curriculum and Practices
  • Parent Involvement and Engagement
  • Professional Development
  • Continuity and Stability


Classroom Activity Report

The Classroom Activity Report (CAR) is a report completed by classroom teachers that indicate the average percentage of instructional time spent in specific learning areas (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social & Emotional Learning, Art & Music, Physical Education) for identified periods of time (e.g., month, quarter).  In addition, teachers indicate the percentage of time spent on teacher-directed (approaches to instruction where the teacher takes the lead in defining learning goals and methods), and child-initiated (e.g., free choice & informal learning) activities in the domains of Language & Literacy, Mathematics, & Science. Find more informaition here