An Interdisciplinary Research Center of the University of Minnesota
Section 1 – Name: The name of the center shall be the Human Capital Research Collaborative and located at the University of Minnesota. It is established as an interdisciplinary center in accordance with Administrative Policy and Procedures.
An interdisciplinary center is defined by the University as “an organizational unit within the university that is formed to promote interdisciplinary studies or initiatives.” As such, the center is university-wide in scope.
The center is a community partnership with many affiliated centers within and outside the University. The center was established in 2006 under the name Early Childhood Research Collaborative.
Section 2 – Purpose: The Human Capital Research Collaborative will support and advance research, education, and public engagement initiatives aligned with key strategic priorities and mission of the University of Minnesota.
The purpose of the Human Capital Research Collaborative is:
To advance knowledge on the identification, design, implementation, impacts, and cost effectiveness of programs, policies, and practices to assure healthy development for young people and their families from birth to early adulthood through the following activities:
- conducting research on the determinants of well-being in all domains of functioning
- conceptualizing, designing, and implementing educational and social programs and practices
- disseminating and translating knowledge on programs and policies through forums, conferences, discussion papers and research reports, and
- reaching out to communities and policymakers to advance public policy based on the best available research and evidence-based practices.
Section 1 – Structure: The center is interdisciplinary representing a broad cross-section of units and faculty interests at the University of Minnesota. The scope of the center is university-wide and community-based. The administrative home for the center will be the Institute of Child Development in the College of Education and Human Development with additional space allocation as necessary. The web site of the center is
Section 2 – Reporting: The center will report to the Dean of the College of Education and Human Development.
Section 1 – Membership: Membership shall initially consist of the steering committee, affiliates, and national advisory committee.
Section 1 – Role and Size: The steering committee has been established to provide the leadership to develop and coordinate the on-going work of HCRC. It will also ensure appropriate use of all university resources. The committee will consist of a minimum of 8 members representing the University and the community at large. Membership shall include University faculty and staff; nonprofit, business, and governmental representatives, and/or community partners and affiliates.
Section 2 – Membership and Terms: Steering committee members will have no limit on the amount of time they may serve on the steering committee. Recommendations for new membership shall be submitted to the co-directors and presented to the standing steering committee for approval.
Section 3 – Meetings and Notice: The committee will meet at least 3 times per year during the academic year. Meetings will take place at a previously agreed upon time and place. Emergency or additional meetings will be called at the discretion of the co-directors.
Section 4 – Directorship: The steering committee will be led by co-directors recommended by the steering committee and submitted to the Dean of the College of Education and Human Development for approval. The co-directors shall be faculty in good standing, representing different colleges, if possible. Compensation for carrying out their responsibilities will be negotiated as needed with the College.
Section 5 – Committees: The steering committee may form standing or temporary subcommittees as the need arises and to complete essential organizational duties. These subcommittees will report to the steering committee.
Section 6 – Resignation and Termination: Resignation from the steering committee should be made in writing to the co-directors for submission to the steering committee. A steering committee member may be terminated due to excessive absence or for other reasons based on a majority vote of other committee members.
Section 1 – Role and Size: A national advisory committee of distinguished researchers will be established to provide on-going feedback on project and strategic directions for the center. The advisory committee shall be made up of at least 5 members. The national advisory committee will consist of distinguished researchers in fields of study including, but not limited to, education, psychology, economics, sociology, public health, medicine, social work, business, and human development.
Section 2 – Membership and Terms: National advisory committee members will have no limit on the amount of time they may serve on the advisory committee. Recommendations for new membership shall be submitted to the co-directors and presented to the standing steering committee for approval.
Section 3 – Meetings: All advisory committee members shall be encouraged to attend HCRC conferences. The co-directors shall maintain connection with advisory members via e-mail and phone/conference calls as appropriate to ensure on-going communication regarding strategic direction and projects.
Section 4 – Committees: The advisory council may form standing or temporary committees as the need arises.
Section 5 – Resignation and Termination: Resignation from the national advisory committee should be made in writing to the co-directors for submission to the steering committee. An advisory committee member may be terminated due to lack of involvement or for other reasons based on a majority vote of the steering committee.
Section 1 – Role and Size: Affiliates of the center shall be comprised of faculty and staff from the University departments centers, and schools; representatives from nonprofit, business, and government; and community organizations. Other centers and organizations may also be affiliates to support common interests. Fields of study and interests shall be broad as consistent with center purposes. The affiliates will help identify and implement collaborative work across the University focused on the understanding and application of human capital research principles. Opportunities for collaboration would include but not be limited to seminars, conferences, research projects, grant proposals, etc. The center shall have no limit on the number of affiliates. Affiliates will receive regular communications about the on-going work of the center.
Section 2 – Membership and Terms: Recommendations of affiliates shall be submitted to the co-directors and presented to the standing steering committee for approval. There will be no limit on the amount of time they may serve in this capacity.
Section 3 – Meetings: All affiliates shall be encouraged to attend sponsored HCRC conferences and monthly Faculty Brown Bag Seminars. The co-directors shall maintain on-going communication with the affiliates as appropriate to encourage opportunity for on-going collaborations.
Section 4 – Resignation and Termination: Resignation should be made in writing to the co-directors for submission to the steering committee.
Section 1 – Role: The co-directors will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the center, including carrying out the center’s mission, goals, and policies. The co-directors will attend and lead steering committee meetings, maintain contact with the national advisory committee members and report on the progress of the center as requested. The co-directors are responsible for hiring and managing other center staff and designating and delegating other duties as necessary.
Section 2 – Hiring: Hiring practices will follow the University of Minnesota Human Resources Hiring Policies and Procedures.
Section 3 – Succession: Although there is no set term of service, the Steering Committee may appoint new co-director(s) upon request.
Section 1 – Fiscal Year: The center’s fiscal year will run from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The center’s organizational calendar will follow the University of Minnesota’s academic calendar which is based on a Fall, Spring, and Summer semester schedule.
Section 1 – Amendments: These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds vote of the steering committee, provided notice was given at the previous meeting. Proposed amendments should be submitted to the co-directors and should go out with proper notification before the meeting at which they will be voted upon.
These bylaws were approved by the steering committee by a majority of at least two thirds.
1.1 University of Minnesota Financial Policies and Procedures: The Human Capital Research Collaborative will adhere to University standards and procedures including: accounting, budgeting, cash management, disbursements, equipment, financial oversight, payroll, purchasing, and travel.
1.2 University of Minnesota Board of Regents Policies and Procedures: The center will adhere to the University of Minnesota Board of Regents policies related to planning and management, budgeting, general accounting, managing assets, and financial oversight where applicable.
1.3 Fiscal Agency: Financial management of the center will be done in collaboration with the College of Education and Human Development and Institute of Child Development, as fiscal agents of the center. These duties will include but not be limited to: accounting, cash management, disbursements, equipment, payroll, and purchasing.
2.1 Fiscal Year: The fiscal year for the center follows that of the University as noted in Article VIII.
2.2 Academic Calendar: The activities of the center will be organized around the University of Minnesota calendar, which runs on a semester system with Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.
3.1 Steering Committee: The steering committee has the authority to execute any policies it deems to be in the best interests of the center pursuant to the center’s bylaws and the University of Minnesota financial policies and procedures. The co-directors have and may exercise, when the steering committee is not convened, all of the powers of management of the center except the authority to amend the bylaws.
3.2 Co-Directors: The co-directors have the authority to make spending decisions within the approved budget, employ and terminate personnel, and determine salary levels in accordance with University human resource policy and procedures, create and amend operating procedures, make decisions regarding the duties and accountabilities of personnel, and enter into contractual agreements.
3.3 Deans of Co-sponsoring Schools: The Dean of the College of Education and Human Development and Director of the Institute of Child Development hold fiscal responsibility for the center’s budget and expenses.
4.1 Budget Development: At least three months prior to fiscal year end, the co-directors will develop a budget for the center with input from the steering committee and support, as needed, from CEHD and the Institute of Child Development.
4.2 Budget Approval: At least one month prior to fiscal year end the co-directors will submit a completed budget to the steering committee for review and approval. The budget will then be submitted, as needed, to the Dean for final review and adoption.
4.3 Financial Reporting: The co-directors, with support from the appropriate administrative staff , shall ensure that financial statements are up to date. The co-directors shall be prepared to present the financial statements at the request of a member of the steering or advisory committees.
4.4 Amendments and Changes: All proposed revisions to the approved budget will be submitted in writing by the co-directors for approval by the steering committee.
5.1 Co-Directors: The co-directors are responsible for fundraising and solicitation of gifts (in-kind and monetary) for the center’s general accounts. The co-directors will consult with fundraising professionals of the co-sponsoring schools and adhere to the University of Minnesota policies and procedures on gift solicitation and procurement of funds. The steering committee will provide advice and recommendations about fundraising.
5.2 The center, through its co-directors, manages two gift funds: (1) Human Capital Research and Innovation Fund and the (2) Lorraine M. Sullivan Memorial Fund of the Child-Parent Education Centers. They both support the mission and goals of the center.
Bylaws revised November 20, 2017.