Module 1: Childrens' Thinking in Action
Key Ideas: The focus is on strengthening the language and thinking capabilities of preschoolers through intentional teacher child interactions and conversations; including focus on teacher’s attention to children’s thinking and introducing Bloom’s Taxonomy describing Levels of Thinking. Teachers reflect on their daily schedules and how to incorporate the balance of teacher guided and child initiated activities. They reflect on creating a rich classroom environment to scaffold children's learning and thinking. The emphasis is on the intentional consideration of the social-emotional, language, and physical environments of the classroom.
Module 2: Fostering Children's Thinking: The Power of Representation
Key Ideas: In order to construct meaning, engage in higher-level thinking, and remember information, children must have supported opportunities to represent and express their thoughts through diverse modalities including talking, drawing, writing, play, drama, three-dimensional construction (i.e., block building), and movement.These representational experiences in preschool spur the development of symbolic thought and self-regulation, both of which are essential foundations for children’s school success. They also provide important teaching-learning settings for building children’s background knowledge, language, vocabulary, literacy concepts and skills, and math concepts and skills.
Module 3: Fostering Children's Thinking: The Power of Representation, Part II
Key Ideas: In order to construct meaning, engage in higher-level thinking, and remember information, children must have supported opportunities to represent and express what they are thinking about and learning through diverse modalities including talking, drawing, writing, play, drama, three-dimensional construction (i.e., block building) and movement. These representational experiences in preschool spur the development of symbolic thought and self-regulation, both of which are essential foundations for children’s school success. They also provide important teaching-learning settings for building children’s background knowledge, language, vocabulary, literacy concepts and skills, and math concepts and skills.
Module 4: Continuity and Transition from PreKindergarten to Kindergarten
Key Ideas: PreK and K teachers will reflect upon and share best practices in order to identify and advance the continuity and alignment of learning expectations and experiences for children.
- 21st Century expectations for early educators
- What do we teach, what matters most?
- Excellence and effectiveness in PreK-3 rd grade