Second Grade Modules

Module 1: Differentiation - Moving Beyond the Kidney Table

Key Ideas: This second grade module helps teachers in supporting students with a wide range of academic ad socio-emotional abilities. The module shares technologies for teaching differentiated math, strategies for leading interest-based differentiated groups, how to use classroom data to differentiate, and how fostering family connections can aid the process of differentiation. 

Midwest Longitudinal Study

Based on the accumulated evidence in the Chicago Longitudinal Study (CLS) on the effects of the Child-Parent Center (CPC) Education Program, the Midwest CPC Preschool to 3rd Grade Expansion (CPC-P3) began in the fall of 2012 under an Investing in Innovation Grant from the US Department of Education to HCRC at the University of Minnesota.

Gates Reports

Progressive Report Publications

Human Capital Research Collaborative (2018). Defining Preschool Program Quality: A
Summary of Indicators from Three Frameworks. Minneapolis, MN.

Reynolds, A.R., Vaisarova, J., Richardson, B., & Lee, S. (2018). Effective Learning Experiences in Preschool and School Readiness: Evidence from the Midwest Child-Parent Center Expansion. (Brief report). Minneapolis, MN: Human Capital Research Collaborative.